Maybe one day
Fan, jag hade en dum dröm. Dock egentligen en bra dröm, eftersom det som hände i drömmen, vill jag (kanske) ska hända i verkligheten. Men fan vad irriterande det är att vakna efter en sån! Får mig ju bara att tänka på saken mer, och det behöver jag verkligen inte.
Men fan vad den där drömmen var fin.
"He needs me.
I want him.
Everyone wants to be needed.
I don’t know if I want him if I can’t have all of him. I know that’s a lie, of course I want him. I just don’t want to want him. When he looks away and is distant, is he thinking of her? I can’t see us together. Thinking of him, hearing his name, brings butterflies to my stomach, but it’s not right. I can’t see us together. It’s as if the world was supposed to have him and her together. Like it was right. It is right. It’s just not the right time.
We connect though. We have chemistry we’re comfortable in each other. We have become all too comfortably numb.
Maybe one day he’ll love me. Maybe one day he won’t want her; won’t want me to be her. Maybe one day he’ll think I’m truly beautiful and look at me the way I look at him every time I see him. But then again, maybe one day I’ll get over him. Maybe one day I can look at him and say, “You’re so not worth this” and actually believe it. Maybe one day I’ll be able to think about someone else." lelove
Men fan vad den där drömmen var fin.
"He needs me.
I want him.
Everyone wants to be needed.
I don’t know if I want him if I can’t have all of him. I know that’s a lie, of course I want him. I just don’t want to want him. When he looks away and is distant, is he thinking of her? I can’t see us together. Thinking of him, hearing his name, brings butterflies to my stomach, but it’s not right. I can’t see us together. It’s as if the world was supposed to have him and her together. Like it was right. It is right. It’s just not the right time.
We connect though. We have chemistry we’re comfortable in each other. We have become all too comfortably numb.
Maybe one day he’ll love me. Maybe one day he won’t want her; won’t want me to be her. Maybe one day he’ll think I’m truly beautiful and look at me the way I look at him every time I see him. But then again, maybe one day I’ll get over him. Maybe one day I can look at him and say, “You’re so not worth this” and actually believe it. Maybe one day I’ll be able to think about someone else." lelove
Postat av: My Beauty Secrets
har du inte hört city gross-namnet förut? :) City Gross är en stor matvarubutik som Coop och Ica, tror det är minst lika stort som Coop men finns kanske inte i varenda stad. Tyvärr tror jag baar rimmel london finns på just den matvarubutiken, för de finns inte på varken Ica eller liknande butiker :( de är synd!"
Postat av: mikkiela
du jag hade en så jävla fin dröm att det inte är sant, duvetvem ville ha mig så hårt i drömmen och allt var så fint, sen vaknade jag :( <3