This is it
Jag är besviken. Men det kunde ju varit värre för den här gången förväntade jag mig ingenting. Men det går inte att undgå att bli besviken. Jag förstår bara inte varför. Hur det kan vara så svårt. Är bara lite ledsen för jag vet att jag måste släppa taget nu. Helt och hållet. För det här var verkligen något jag kämpat för och haft tålamod med i snart ett år faktiskt.
Kanske bäst att bara vara glad över det jag fick. För så mycket trodde jag aldrig jag skulle få. Så jag har nog gått mer plus än minus av hela denna saken. Fått ut bra saker av det, plus att jag lärt mig mer och inte gör samma misstag lika lätt nästa gång.
Men fan vad jag kommer att sakna dig.
Why can’t I stop thinking about you? It was such a mistake. All of it… an all-consuming error in judgment that had me captivated and mesmerized by the situation. A good girl to the core, this was far beyond the everyday workings of such a responsible and trustworthy person like myself. Would it be corny to say, “you had me at hello”? - Because you did. I was drawn to you like a drug and from the first night that we spent together I was hooked. You were the perfect escape and release from the mundane aspects of reality. I would daydream about you and smile when I saw your name flash up on my phone. I would go back to the park where we met hoping to see you. It started out so innocent, the standard steps of a growing romance but then you broke my heart and made me become the other woman and in doing so you forced me to defy all the written rules of sisterhood and common decency. With this new information I tried to stay away from you and to be mature about what had happened and ignore the fact that you had used me, the fact that you had taken advantage of my naivety and my openness. But you were everywhere I looked, everywhere I went and you would reel me back in with empty promises and sweet talkings. You would tell me how beautiful I was and how you thought I was one of the most fascinating people you had ever met and so we went round in pointless and painful circles. You would hurt me and I would let you. But because of you, I have grown – you took away my innocence and left me damaged. So this is it. This is me saying goodbye to you, and that I will soon be the person I was once again. This is also me saying sorry, sorry that I let you hurt me, it wont happen again. - source
Kanske bäst att bara vara glad över det jag fick. För så mycket trodde jag aldrig jag skulle få. Så jag har nog gått mer plus än minus av hela denna saken. Fått ut bra saker av det, plus att jag lärt mig mer och inte gör samma misstag lika lätt nästa gång.
Men fan vad jag kommer att sakna dig.
Why can’t I stop thinking about you? It was such a mistake. All of it… an all-consuming error in judgment that had me captivated and mesmerized by the situation. A good girl to the core, this was far beyond the everyday workings of such a responsible and trustworthy person like myself. Would it be corny to say, “you had me at hello”? - Because you did. I was drawn to you like a drug and from the first night that we spent together I was hooked. You were the perfect escape and release from the mundane aspects of reality. I would daydream about you and smile when I saw your name flash up on my phone. I would go back to the park where we met hoping to see you. It started out so innocent, the standard steps of a growing romance but then you broke my heart and made me become the other woman and in doing so you forced me to defy all the written rules of sisterhood and common decency. With this new information I tried to stay away from you and to be mature about what had happened and ignore the fact that you had used me, the fact that you had taken advantage of my naivety and my openness. But you were everywhere I looked, everywhere I went and you would reel me back in with empty promises and sweet talkings. You would tell me how beautiful I was and how you thought I was one of the most fascinating people you had ever met and so we went round in pointless and painful circles. You would hurt me and I would let you. But because of you, I have grown – you took away my innocence and left me damaged. So this is it. This is me saying goodbye to you, and that I will soon be the person I was once again. This is also me saying sorry, sorry that I let you hurt me, it wont happen again. - source